Life Update

HI! It’s been awhile… a long while! Forgive me, while I was gone I graduated college, got accepted to a dietetic internship and moved back to Atlanta for a summer to relax and take a much needed breather from school. BUT HERE I AM, back again at school! Same university, but new apartment with new roomies and a new journey.
I graduated from Georgia Southern University last May with a bachelor of science degree in Nutrition and Food Science with a double emphasis in Dietetics and Food Science/Food Systems Administration. I found out the week OF graduation that I was accepted into Georgia Southern’s dietetic internship program! Can I get a woop woop? This was huge for me. I still can’t even believe I am here right now doing my dietetic internship. Sophomore year Lindsey would have told you there’s no way I will get an internship because I’m not smart enough, my GPA is low compared to everyone else and I have no where near as much work/volunteer experience as other nutrition students. But here I am, I did it. I have a bad habit of being really hard on myself. That’s one thing that I’ve learned in the past 6 months. It’s definitely not the best habit to have, but getting this internship and finishing this degree showed me to never give up. It’s so important to step back and give yourself credit sometimes. Everything happens for a reason and what’s meant to be will be. 

Fast forward to now and I’m already done with my first semester of my dietetic internship and I’m about to begin my second semester (I have 3 in total – fall, spring, summer). Like WHAT!? This bad boy is flying by and honestly I’m not complaining. It truly has been such a great experience so far. I’ve met the most amazing preceptors along the way with my school nutrition and food service rotations and I’ve already learned so much. I really love being busy all the time too. I’m such a type A person, so I love getting to organize a routine for myself every week. I also got my new agenda for the new year and anyone who is type A knows this is the BEST part of the year.  Between classes, projects and homework on top of rotations I always have so much to do so staying organized is really important to me. Dietetic internships are no joke people! Anyways – I’m about to begin my clinical rotations this semester (working in the hospitals with the Dietitian) and I’m kinda nervous but so excited! Very excited to be busy again after a long Christmas break. Clinical is a very new thing for me since our undergrad was very heavy in school nutrition and food administration areas of Dietetics. I’m also really looking forward to just exploring new sides of the field this semester and try to find what fits me best. I still feel like I have no idea was sector of Dietetics I want to work in when I graduate, but I keep telling myself to not worry about the future and I will eventually find what is meant for me. So that’s my little update! I haven’t been as active on my blog as I promised myself I would, but hey maybe 2017 is the year! I really do want to post more of the recipes I make or my favorite snack products to help y’all with some healthy eating ideas! For anyone who reads this – thank you for taking the time! I really do appreciate and love the people that follow my instagram and blog so much. This health blogging community is honestly one of the best things that’s happened to me/I’ve come to be apart of! 
Just a couple of pictures from my rotations so far!

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